Measuring Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) in Freshdesk

According to Gartner, effortless customer service interactions can lead to around 94% more repurchases and an 88% probability of increase in spending. And yet, only a limited number of customers would proactively complain or seek resolution. This is the reason measuring customer service feedback has become the need of the hour.

For businesses that use helpdesk software like Freshdesk for customer service, it is easy to collect feedback through Freshdesk surveys after a ticket is closed or a ticket status is updated. However, Freshdesk surveys may allow you to only measure overall customer satisfaction. If you are looking to get detailed feedback while managing customer tickets, it is advised to invest in a dedicated survey tool.

How to measure customer satisfaction (CSAT) in Freshdesk? Let’s understand in detail.

Zonka Feedback + Freshdesk

In Freshdesk, survey form is embedded in the email or sent via SMS where customers can rate their customer service experience as ‘Good, Neutral, and Bad’. A follow-up question can further help customers share feedback in their own words.

However, the limitations on surveys’ look and feel as well as in-depth feedback are what make a dedicated survey tool ideal for collecting support-related feedback. Moreover, you can collect detailed feedback covering aspects like what customers like, dislike, potential improvements, etc. And all of this can be done with simple integration of Freshdesk with a survey tool like Zonka Feedback.

Zonka Feedback is one of the most reliable Freshdesk survey tools that can be integrated with the helpdesk software in a few simple steps. The customer service team will help you establish the connection so you can instantly start sending surveys and managing customer tickets. Let’s understand what all you can do with this integration.

1. Measure Customer Satisfaction Through CSAT Surveys

You can measure customer satisfaction using Zonka Feedback in a couple of ways:

  • Embed CSAT survey manually in the Freshdesk email or SMS

  • Automatically trigger CSAT surveys after a ticket is closed or the ticket status is updated

  • Now, let’s understand in detail how this can be done.

Manually Embed CSAT Surveys in Mail or SMS

When responding to customers, you can manually add a CSAT survey as a part of an email response or send a CSAT survey link to customers via SMS. This can be useful when a support agent wishes to measure customers’ satisfaction with the response they received against the ticket.

For example, after typing the response in the email body, your agents can click on the survey icon and the CSAT survey in the email signature so customers can share feedback on the response right within the email.

The survey can be as detailed as you want but even if the customer chooses to only rate the response without filling out the entire questionnaire, you can retrieve the data and gauge their overall sentiment.

Automatically Trigger CSAT Surveys after a Ticket is Closed or Updated

Zonka Feedback allows you to create an automation rule in Freshdesk so surveys are automatically triggered when a ticket is updated or marked closed. Based on your preferences, email and SMS surveys can be sent to your Freshdesk contacts who meet the criteria. This enables understanding how your business and customer support is perceived.

For example, if a ticket is status is updated as ‘Resolved’ or ‘Pending’, a CSAT survey can be triggered. You can choose how long after the ticket status is updated that you want to send the survey.

Here are the steps you can follow to automate surveys in Freshdesk:

  • Create a CSAT survey either from scratch or use readymade, customizable surveys to build your perfect CSAT form in Zonka Feedback

  • Click on ‘Distribute’ in the main menu and go to integrations

  • Go to Freshdesk setting and click on ‘Connect’

  • Provide the API key for your Freshdesk account

  • Once the integration is complete, you will see options, and one of them would be ‘Add Trigger’

  • Click on Add Trigger and enter Trigger Name, Trigger Description, Preferred Channel, Fulfilment Criteria, and Add Condition

  • Click on Save

Note: You can also sync agents to get complete data on which response corresponds to which agent.

2. Create a Freshdesk Ticket for a new Zonka Feedback Survey Response

After you have connected Zonka Feedback and Freshdesk and synced agents, you can enable the tool to create new tickets based on the conditions you set. Let’s read a little about the conditions to create tickets.

  • Every Time: For all the new responses collected for a survey, a new ticket gets generated.

  • Only When: Set filters and rules to focus on specific parts of survey results and create new tickets.

You can select a combination of ‘All’ or ‘Any’ conditions to set the criteria on which a new ticket will be created.

For example, you can create a ticket for customers that responded as ‘dissatisfied’ to a specific question. Similarly, you can also create tickets based on day and time criteria.

After you have set the conditions, you can click on save and you will be good to go.

Syncing Customer Satisfaction Score and CSAT Survey Responses with Freshdesk

In just a few steps, you can sync CSAT survey responses and CSAT score with Freshdesk. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Go to Integrations and turn on the toggle where it says ‘Sync Survey Response to Freshdesk’

  • Choose the checkboxes for ‘Sync Score’ and ‘Sync Complete Response’. You can also check just one of the boxes if you prefer either one

  • Click on ‘Save’

How does syncing the score with Freshdesk help?

This is an incredible feature which allows agents to view survey responses in Freshdesk itself without having to go back to the survey tool to better understand customers. The CSAT score and survey responses are also built into notes that agents can quickly access while reviewing a ticket. This is especially useful in understanding how customers responded previously and what they expect, which then enables agents to respond accordingly and accurately to improve customer experience.

Zonka Feedback Survey Tool for Freshdesk

Zonka Feedback is a comprehensive survey tool for Freshdesk that doesn’t just enable collecting customer service feedback at the right time but also makes customers’ feedback-sharing experience better. Here are some top reasons why Zonka Feedback is ideal to run Freshdesk surveys:

  • Allow users to share feedback in a better way by using different question types like rating scales, MCQs, Likert Scale, etc.

  • Choose from different languages to cater to your multilingual customer base

  • Use readymade survey templates and customize them as per your feedback requirements and branding to make them more attractive

  • Use survey logic to create relevant surveys for different kinds of customers

  • Set up reminders and receive real-time notifications

  • Create automated workflows to assign feedback to respective agents

  • Get detailed CSAT reports to understand customer sentiment and track trends

  • Integrate with BI tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zendesk, Slack, Google Sheets, etc.

Whether you are an enterprise or a small business looking to get customer service feedback with Freshdesk surveys, Zonka Feedback is your answer. Do give the tool a try to gain a better understanding of the interface through a 7-day free trial that you can start with a simple sign-up.

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